Other Ways to Support

Torah Academy depends upon the participation and support of its parents, alumni and friends in its effort to provide the best possible education for its students and in that way to enhance the future of the Jewish people. We ask for contributions to any of our funds, each of which is essential in helping Torah Academy's students on their path to self-discovery and meaningful lives.

Scholarship Fund

The Torah Academy Scholarship Fund helps defray educational costs for many of our students. All students are eligible. We strongly believe that any student who can benefit from a Torah Academy education belongs in our school. If financial assistance is required, it is our obligation to provide that assistance.

Parnes Hayom - Dedicate a Day of Learning

Join the sweet voices of our pre-schoolers learning Aleph Bais and our elementary students learning Chumash and Mishnayos with their Rebbeim. For $180 you can dedicate a day of learning for a yartzeit, in honor of a simcha or for a speedy recovery of a loved one. Your name will be prominently displayed in the Yeshiva. More importantly you helped the Yeshiva continue to disseminate Torah for yet another day.